Monday, April 25, 2011

5 Most Useful Tools For Image Optimization

The gravestone of J.P.G.For a blog or a website, images play a very important part. It makes you blog look attractive but at the same time it also slows down your blog as large images can add significant load time. Every blogger should optimize their images to improve the load time as search engines gives more value to faster blogs. (image via Wikipedia)

There are various tools available to to optimize your images. These tools reduce the size of image by optimizing the resolution to the required level. This in turn improves the load time. Here is a list of my top 5 favorite tools which you can use.

1. Smush.It: This is  great tool from yahoo which optimizes images without changing their look or loosing their quality. This is known as “lossless” tool. uses techniques to remove unnecessary bytes from image files. WordPress users can use the great plugin available here: Smush.It WordPress Plugin

. screenshot Webmaster Tip – Tools to Optimize Your Images

2. Free Image Optimizer: This is a free online tool to optimize your images. Now optimizing your images is just a click away. You may optimize your images for your blog, email or for simple storage.
image optimizer free

3. Online Image Optimizer: You can easily optimize your GIF, JPG and PNG files to enable faster loading. This tool can also be utilized to convert images to the desired format.
online image optimization

4. PNGGauntlet: This tool uses command line utility from Ken Silverman’s PNGOUT to reduce the size of the image to minimum without affecting its quality.
PNGGauntlet image optimization

5. RIOT (Radical Image Optimization Tool): This tool supports any of the popular image format such as GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, PSD etc. It is a free tool that optimize the image withour compromising its quality.
RIOT image optimization
If you know any other tool that works better, please do share it here.

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